Scan. Buy.
Augmented Reality
The retail game has changed. As purchases move online, Bauer, a global leader in hockey gear, wanted to let players find fitted equipment from their living rooms. Through the power of augmented reality, Majestic developed a body-scanning app to help them do it.
The play-by-play
Working with the Bauer team, Majestic built an iOS and Android app that uses a smartphone camera to measure key parts of the body: Finger to elbow. Foot to shin. Arm reach. Etc. Once captured, results are linked to retail pages (elbow pads, shoulder pads, sticks and more), curated to a user’s specific measurements.
Breakaway UX
The app was designed to put players first. Featuring a clean, user-centric interface, the app made the fitting process easy, and the retail portion intuitive.
Game-changing technology
Both versions, iOS and Android, featured custom integrations of native software. This allowed the app to render complex body measurements quickly and accurately—one of the first times this had ever been done.
Winning results.
Bright future.
- Big download numbers on both iOS and Android platforms
- Solid traction on social media channels
- In-store application coming August, 2020
- App expansion: skates, helmets and
women’s equipment coming soon - Bauer’s executive and digital teams
thrilled with the launch